I'm relatively pleased with how things are organised at the moment, so I thought I'd show you all how it looks along with a few tips and tricks I have picked up along the way to store everything neatly. Right now, everything is easy to reach and I can find what I'm looking for super quickly. It looks nice (in my opinion at least :P) and it's efficient! Do you have any makeup storage tips for me? Let me know in the comment section! ♥
Full Set Up
A few things you need to know about my set up :
- The white dresser does not contain any beauty products. It's just my clothes in there.
- I don't have a very big collection of beauty products. My full makeup collection fits within the first three drawers of the rainbow tower. Everything else is other beauty related items.
- Most of my nail polish is is the pink basket on top of the dresser. For reference, it can contain about 50 polishes (but they are tightly packed in there). I got the pink basket at Dollorama.
- All of the dividers that are inside the drawers were bought at the dollar store as well.
The vast majority of the stuff I use for organisation is very affordable and budget friendly.
Rainbow tower
This rainbow tower contains all my makeup, nail tools, hair accessories, skin care and hot tools. I got it at Costco for 35$ It's great for keeping organised and it's super cheap :)
At the top, I keep :
- my light up double sided mirror
-a cute box (from the dollar store) which I store rarely used nail polish in
- my everyday skin care items : moisturizer spot treatment, eye cream, lip scrub, eyelash curlers, body splash, eye makeup remover, hand lotion.
Dresser top
This is what I keep on my dresser.
- I keep my makeup brushes in three vases I got from the dollar store filled with small plastic bead to help the brushes stand up.
- I keep my large palettes in a clear plastic file sorter from, you guessed it : the dollar store!
Necklace organisation and clear tower
In the second white and clear tower, I keep hair products and tools plus travel sized items. I got this storage system at Walmart for 30$.
At the top I keep :
- 2 Double sided mirrors (both from the dollar store)
- My makeup wipes in their plastic container
- Cotton buds in a glass jar from the Dollar Store
- Cotton Balls in an empty Bath and Body Works candle which I recycled
- A small 8X magnifying mirror
As you can see, this is also where I keep my necklace collection. In order to help me find what I'm looking for quickly and to keep the necklaces from tangling up, I keep them on small nails that I have attached to the wall. They are divided by length and color.
This storage idea couldn't be more simple and cost-effective! It only costs 4 nails (so I'm guessing no more than a few pennies) and it looks cute on display like that!
Now let's have a look at what's inside the drawers!
♥ First up is my eye makeup drawer! ♥
As you can see, I have divided this drawer using three plastic baskets. I have left one portion of the drawer empty to fit larger items.
First basket : Liners and bases
Second basket : Mascaras
Third basket : Eyeshadow singles
To the side I have larger eye shadow duos, quads, small palettes, etc. I also keep my lashes and eyelash glue there.
♥ Lips drawer ♥
You can easily spot my lip balm addiction here :P
I have divided this drawer using 4 baskets.
First basket : Lipbalms (there is more than one layer of lip balm and it could fit another one easily)
Second basket : Lip sticks (also has two layers of products)
Third basket : Glosses
Fourth basket : Lip balms in a pot and backups
Super easy and neat looking, in my opinion :)
♥ Face drawer ♥
These pink dividers a a little different from my grey ones but they are also from the Dollar store. The small long ones are 3 for 1$ and the large rectangular one is 1$.
The baskets aren't exactly divided by type of product, more by the size and shape of the products. As you can see, the third basket contains small round products while the fourth has concealers and primers mostly.
♥ Bracelet drawer ♥
In this drawer, I squeezed four long and thin dividers.
First basket : Watches (mostly my boyfriend's watches)
Second basket : Fabric/string bracelets
Third basket : Stretchy bracelets
Fourth basket : Bangles
♥ Nails Drawer ♥
Again, different dividers, but also from the Dollar Store. These clear ones were a tad more expensive, but still not over 1$ a piece. The are also longer than the other plastic kinds. I love that they are clear they look very nice and clean.
First basket : Nail art plates, nail art stamp and scraper, buffing blocks, nail clippers, nails files, nail polish thinner.
Second basket : Cotton rounds, cotton swabs, pure acetone and toes separators
Third basket : Rhinestones, sponges, tweezers.
This is my least favorite drawer because it's a little messy looking in my opinion. Please let me know if you have any ideas for improving on this one :)
♥ Skin care drawer ♥
For this drawer, since product size vary so much and since some products are quite big, I couldn't find a proper way to place them into baskets. Instead, I chose to place an anti-slip fabric at the bottom so the products don't roll around when opened.
The drawer is a little empty looking right now because I'm working on using some of these products!
♥ Beauty Tools drawer ♥
In here I keep makeup sponges, cosmetic cotton swabs, backup makeup wipes and perfume samples (inside the pink makeup bag - which is from the dollar store). Not very exciting, but you gotta put these things somewhere right?
♥ Bath and Body Works drawer ♥
Right now it's pretty empty looking, because I'm working on using up my products. I haven't been to Bath and Body Works in a few months! This drawer is divided with four baskets, three thin and one square.
First basket : Hand sanitizers
Second basket : Spare wallflower with recharges.
Third basket : Backup body splash
Fourth basket : Empty at the moment
♥ Hair accessories drawer ♥

In this drawer, I keep all of my hair accessories. This is the only way that I have found that is neat and organised to keep them. Otherwise I keep loosing all my hair ties and my clips. I think this looks very nice and clean and it's probably one of the drawers I am most happy with. I can always find what I'm looking for uber quickly.
First basket : Large hair clips
Second basket : Small hair clips and bobby pins
Third basket : Hair ties
Fourth basket : Headbands
♥ Hair tools drawer ♥
This is where I keep all of my hot tools. A great tip that I picked up from my mother is to keep the cords inside an empty toilet paper roll. It's not the cutest thing, but it helps keep the cords organised and protected. That way you're not damaging them by twisting them around the straightener. It also doesn't cost anything which is brilliant!
Second tower
♥ First hair products drawer ♥
In this drawer, I keep my hair products which are in large cans or bottles.
♥ Second hair products drawer ♥
In this second drawer I keep smaller hair products.
♥ Hair brushes and combs drawer ♥
In this drawer I keep all of my brushes and combs. I have one basket which I put all the combs and small travel sized brushes in. For the brushes I like to put them side by side, but facing different directions so that the larger part of the brush isn't always on the same side. That way, I can save space and cram more brushes into the same amount of space.
I skipped two drawers after that because they just contain rubbish pretty much XD
♥ Travel sized products drawer ♥
Nothing too fancy in here. This is just where I keep all of my travel sized products and bottles.
♥ Candles drawer ♥
Last but not least, this is my candles drawer (and the reason why I'm trying to finish off products before I go to Bath and Body Works again :P).
That's it for my affordable beauty storage tips! I hope you enjoyed this post and that it was helpful! I hope that it gave ideas to those of you who are still trying to figure out inexpensive ways to store your products!
I had free stuff at a show if you want me to send anything. its not much but i got free mascara & lip balm thats not in stores yet. Covergirl stuff though.
ReplyDeleteSure I<d love to try it if you don't use it :)
ReplyDeletelooks so adorable with the soft colors :3
ReplyDeleteYou are very organized.I love the way you have set your make up items.