Backpacking itinerary for my next trip to Central America this summer? Done!
Since I'm so passionnate about traveling I thought I would share how I plan my
Since I'm so passionnate about traveling I thought I would share how I plan my
backpacking trips in terms of itinerary.
Like I said in my last post, a backpacking trip has no fixed schedule or itinerary. It's about going at your own pace and enjoying yourself. If you like an area more, you can stay as long as you like. If you are eager to progress, you can move quicker. My boyfriend and I tend to be quick travelers, as we move a lot from cities to cities, but there has been a couple times that we have stuck longer somewhere because we really enjoyed it. In other words, you never know when or where you will be at any given time unless you plan to attend a particular event.
Although it's best to keep it spontaneous while backpacking, it's still good to have a rough
idea of places you don't want to miss. For instance, while visiting Peru, you will at least want to see the Machu Pichu or if you go to Europe you won't want to miss, the Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, Amsterdam and so on.This way, you will have a general idea of the pace you might want to adopt while traveling and know kind of in what direction you are going. Therefore, before leaving for any backpacking trip, I like to research the area I'm going to visit for places I really want to see. I also keep in mind the kind of activities I prefer to make sure I have plenty of things to do there. I particularly like hiking, sightseeing, nature, diving and beaches. Therefore, I gear my search towards places that can offer me that.
Enough with the super long intro, now let's talk about the places I have found and I'm interested in visiting this time around. If you have visited Costa Rica or Panama, please let me know the places you've liked! I would love to hear about it ^^
This is an overlook of all the places mentioned in my backpacking itinerary to get a better grasp of the road we will probably travel. Lots of Coast line which means, tons of beaches =D

Costa Rica


Puerto Viejo

These are only a couple of the places that we will see, but it is a good guideline to follow. We definitely might end up not going to some of the mentionned areas, depending on time and our mood. Our first destination in Costa Rica will be Puerto Viejo, which is on the Carribean Coast and is said to be a nice relaxed sea side village well loved by backpackers. It sounds like a great starting point! Remember, like I said before, mking a backpacking itinerary is optional, but it's a great way to discover places you might like to visit and to have a rough estimate of how long you will spend in each parts of the country(ies).
By the way, I cannot wait to be able to use my own pictures :) I want to provide some sort of a visual support to demonstrate why I'm choosing these areas, but since I haven't been yet, I have to use pictures from the net =p Soon enough I'll have my own to show you!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy, and take pictures!!!! =)
Thankssss =D I sure will! I've already snapped some pictures in the bus XD (so exciting I know =p)