I know many people think jeggings are tacky, but to me they are possibly one of the most convenient pieces I could have in my wardrobe (could because I haven’t got around to buying a pair yet). The winter here is really cold and we get lots of snow. Tucking my jeans in my boots and booties is absolutely essential and can be a real hassle for me; jeggings would allow me to tuck in my pants without ending up with huge, unflattering bulges of fabric all around my ankles. Also, if you wear a cute tunic/long shirt, they look exactly like jeans, except, 10 times more comfortable! It’s ideal for students who have to spend 6 to 8 hours sitting down. I used to find my jeans really uncomfortable in class, but couldn’t get myself to wear sweats like some other girls did (I really don’t think I can pull it off in all honesty). Jeggings appear to be the solution to that problem, especially since some brands came out with jeggings with pockets and zippers that really look like the real thing!

Only downside is that (imo) you have to wear them constantly with shirt long enough to cover your butt which is a little bit restrictive. I know some girls wear them with short shirts, but every time I see it, I wonder how they manage not to feel super over exposed in those! Arguably, this past summer girls wore shorts so short you could see the bottom of their butt sticking out at the bottom! I guess that’s a lot worse =p
Another problem is that I cannot seem to find a good pair here in Montreal. I do not have access to an Abercrombie or Hollister store and every store that seem to stock them have the really cheap kind that does not even try to look real! I don’t like those at all. Where can I get the pocket+zipper+waistband type like the picture I posted above?
So what do you think about jeggings? Life saver or tacky no-no?
I did some research and the jeggings at GAP seem to be as good as you can get with price while still being realistic looking. As long as you wear them with the proper outfit they should be cute. I would pick something like http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=54987&vid=1&pid=751727 which could be mistaken as real. http://www.gap.com/browse/category.do?cid=54987 is the link to more of the styles, which are also cute :)
ReplyDeleteOh, you're right! These GAP ones look exactly like the real thing ♥ and I can can access them easily! I wouldn't have thought to check GAP for jeggings. Thanks a lot for the tip =D
ReplyDeleteI'm glad i could help, i enjoy reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks! that's very sweet of you to say ^^