
Sunday 20 July 2014

China Town Food Haul

Hey all! So one of the things I like most about coming to Montreal is the China Town (the offerings are very limited in Quebec City). Because of that, every time I come I go a little nuts buying all the yummy food I can get my hands on. This time I found a Korean beauty store which I didn't know about so I decided to pick up a few beauty items as well. Those will be included in an upcoming haul, keep your eyes out for that one as well if you're interested!

  • Lichee flavoured coconut jelly - Anyone else tried those? They are yummy! <3
  • Tea flavoured drinks - One is jasmine (very mild tasting, but super healthy) and the other is peach :)
  • Shrimp crackers - omnomnom
  • Yan Yan snacks - These have been my favorites for years! They're great :D
  • Hello Panda cookies - Also a favourite
  • Green tea sponge cake - I got the at Harmonie bakery and engulfed the whole thing in one night ahah
  • Fortune cookies - Also from Harmonie bakery, they're the best fortune cookies I've had

I haven't done any food related posts in forever! I hope you enjoyed this one! Would any of you like to see a grocery haul or something? What other food-related posts would you like to see me make? Let me know in the comments <3

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