
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Tonight, 2013 will be over and we will begin the new year! I cannot believe 2013 is already over, it seems like it went by in a flash! 2013 was a pretty good year for me, but I'm kind of glad to be going into 2014 now! 

It's been a year full of academic challenges, a new job and lots blogging for me. I had set myself the goal to surpass my first year of blogging in terms of blog post quantity (but also quality) and I believe I achieved that goal! I'm also very proud of the quality I have been able to achieve through practice and hard work in the last year, I hope you all have been enjoying the various series that I did and all of the beginner tutorials, hauls and favorites!

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all my followers who have been sweetly commenting on my blog for the past few years! This blog has been a journey of learning and self discovery and I want to thank all the readers who have been with me through it all!

I wish you all an amazing year of 2014 and hope that you all will have success and happiness :) See you all in 2014 ♥

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