
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Food Snapshots : Valentine's Day Meal

Now, I know Valentine's Day was forever ago, but I have a couple pretty pictures of the meal I cooked for Mathieu and I for the occasion, so I thought I would share. Anyway, the food itself isn't Valentine's day themed or anything, it's just what we had for supper that night :)

The oreo cheesecake cupcakes I made :D

Since it was a special occasion, I took the time to make maki rolls instead of serving them temaki style. Turned out great 

Chardonnay to accompany the sushi and cheese fondue. Didn't take a picture of the fondue, because it wasn't nearly as pretty as it was tasty!

One of my all time favorite guilty pleasures : baguette bread <3

Just the ingredients all chopped up for the sushi before I made the rolls

The rolls, right before I cut them up into pieces :)


  1. you have patience. sushi MIAMMMMMMMMMMMMM I'm making my first raw sushis tomorrow. will share ;)

  2. Gotta see those! Post them on your blog? :D

  3. yep i just came back from the hospital, been sick for three months and finally gave up and went to get hospitalized. I'm happy to restart living again, I'm not dead anymore weeeeeeh. i have tons of blog posts half written, I'm too much of a perfectionist. I miss you girl. we need to catch up.

  4. omg that sucks :( :( :( so glad you're better now though <3 I was wondering why you dissapeared, but since I don't have you're cell phone # I couldn't even text :o you should give it to me by email so we can chat more oftennnnn

    miss you so much! I come up to mtl about 4-5 times a session, we should do something next time I'm in town :D (probably the weekend between april and may because I have a summer semester begining right after that D:)

  5. you got a cellphone now? haha. sure i'll e-mail it to you. i'm writing my raw sushi making post. man it was SOOOOOO FREAKING GOOD!

  6. Yea we traded the home phone for a cell phone instead! so much more practical anyway since we're always at the university!
