Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Update post!

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been posting much lately. University has been keeping me real busy and it's not about to end :/ which means I probably won't post very often in the days to come either!

I don't have any real substance to write about today, just wanted to let you all know I'm just busy and I will update soon! I'm waiting on two internet purchases I made about 2-3 weeks ago, which should get here soon :) I will probably make a haul for that because there is some exciting stuff in there! Would that be interesting?

Other than that, I went to Montreal for a week during reading week. I had lots of fun, but I didn't take that many interesting pictures to post. I might have a couple which I could post though, so maybe I'll do that soon too :P

Oh and some good news! Mathieu and I purchased a car while we were in Montreal! Public transport here in Quebec City is very different from what we are used to and not very practical in our neighborhood (think 1 bus per hour) so we thought it would make our lives easier. It will also make it possible for us to go to Costco and run errands quickly and easily which wasn't the case so far.

Anyway, the car is nothing fancy, it's a used car, but it's in pretty good shape and I'm really happy with it! Maybe I'll post some pictures soon!

That's all for now I guess I might post about one of the topics I mentioned before, later tonight or this week!

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